In May 2017 the life of Jacek from the Polish city of Kutno has changed forever. At the age of 41 his right shin and a part of the left foot were amputated as a result of ulcer disease. However, postoperative complications made the doctors to make a decision about amputation of the second shin.
“The most difficult thing after the surgery was to accept myself. Once I was able to reconcile with the new situation, I understood that I could not give up”, says Jacek. He worked hard to achieve the possible mobility. He was provided with the interim prostheses. Long hours of physiotherapy and even more of his own self-improvement made Jacek able to get on his feet in several months.
Gradual verticalization, learning to walk on crutches, later without them, this all has cost the man a lot of effort and pain. “From day to day I broke down new barriers. Then a problem arose. My interim prostheses have already fulfilled their role and did not allow me to increase my activity and, consequently, to involve myself in any kind of job.” told Jacek.
The new prostheses of both shins could help Jacek to gain the required mobility level but their price was too high. The Red Line Foundation found out about the fundraising for the necessary prostheses and covered the expenses for their obtaining. Orto Centrum Ltd company helped Jacek to choose and receive comfortable and safe prostheses.
Nowadays, he is going again through a rehabilitation process but this time with the perspective of more mobility and the opportunity to find a new job. The Red Line Foundation team hopes sincerely that Jacek can cope with this new life challenge. His experience will demonstrate that there are no barriers which a person would not be able to go through, even in such hard life circumstances.